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Welcome to the Kingfisher Court website!

Kingfisher Court is a unique 1930’s development of 64 flats in East Molesey, Surrey. It is home to a very close and passionate community of people from all ages and walks of life.

This site is provided as a source of information about Kingfisher Court - it’s history and development and a gallery of pictures spanning many decades. Whether you’re an ex or current resident or simply have an interest in 1930‘s architecture or the area, I hope you find the site interesting and useful.

There are also useful links to other sites of interest as well as contact information and latest news and developments.

I hope you enjoy your visit.

Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that information on this website is accurate and correct, no responsibility can be accepted for any details that are found to be incorrect. If you know of any inaccuracies, please contact me by e-mail on webmaster@kingfishercourt.info

2014 Anthony Charlesworth